
Local Buddy policy

Any of this information, documents, Localbird’s database, clients, and collaborators are the property of Localbird International. If anyone or anything (such as similar events) can damage the image or brand reputation will be sanctioned by copyright laws.

Local Buddy Monitor Collab


  • Share and promote ANY event in the CALENDAR (Student, Tourist, Locals, or Nomads’ calendar) in every channel (Localbird can provide some of them) without being SPAM (be sure that the channel allows that type of promotion and always interact with people in order to be closer as possible to the community)
  • Use marketing strategies in case there are no answers in the channels such as Sorteos, pools, promociĂłn social networks (Ask Digital Marketing manager), discount coupons, and other product packs…
  • The monitor can earn money through the “comisiĂłn” process. The payment will be done through “colaboraciĂłn de autĂłnomos” or “prestaciĂłn ocasional” at the end of the month.
  • Depending on the trip the Monitor’s meal will be paid.
  • The monitor should try to improve his/her “monitor skills” in order to upgrade to Main Monitor (possibly after passing a test).
  • The monitor has to know, in every section, the “protocolo de ruta” document.

*If any detail of this contract won’t be applied the salary won’t be guaranteed. Communicate with the team, with at least 10 days of advantage, in case any duties or events won’t be done (in that case the person has to find, in the group of Local Buddies, someone that can substitute him/her).

*Any of this information, documents, Localbird’s database, clients, and collaborators are the property of Localbird International. If anything (such as similar events) can damage the image or brand reputation will be sanctioned by copyright laws.

Main Monitor Collab


50€/any trip

  • experiences, apart from some exceptions, are not remunerable.
  • Share and promote ANY event in the CALENDAR (Student, Tourist, Locals, or Nomads’ calendar) in every channel (Localbird can provide some of them) without being SPAM (be sure that the channel allows that type of promotion and always interact with people in order to be closer as possible to the community)
  • Use marketing strategies in case there are no answers in the channels such as Sorteos, pools, promociĂłn social networks (Ask Digital Marketing manager), discount coupons, and other product packs…
  • The main monitor will earn 50€/trip (the payment will be done through “colaboraciĂłn de autĂłnomos” or “prestaciĂłn ocasional” the day after the trip) and the number of collaborations will be decided by the main Localbird team.
  • The main monitor can earn money through the “comisiĂłn” process. The payment will be done through “colaboraciĂłn de autĂłnomos” or “prestaciĂłn ocasional” at the end of the month.
  • Depending on the trip the Main Monitor’s meal will be paid.
  • The main monitor has to help Local Buddies to improve their “monitor skills” and let them do the “Main Monitor test” after various trips (the test consists in assist a Local Buddy during the trip and letting him/her try to be the Main Monitor).
  • The main monitor has to follow and know, in every section, the “protocolo de ruta” document.

*If any detail of this contract won’t be applied the salary won’t be guaranteed. Communicate with the team, with at least 10 days of advantage, in case any duties or events won’t be done (in that case the person has to find, in the group of Local Buddies, someone that can substitute him/her).

*Any of this information, documents, Localbird’s database, clients, and collaborators are the property of Localbird International. If anything (such as similar events) can damage the image or brand reputation will be sanctioned by copyright laws.


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